Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What brands would I love to blog about?


There are many brands I’d love to see on Social Spark! For starters, I’d love to see the Hummer brand. Right now many are misinformed about the Hummer brand so why not have people blog in a positive way? The ones who would accept this opportunity would have to be people who genuinely felt a positive vibe for the brand. I know I’d take that opportunity in a heartbeat!

I’d also love to see more pet opportunities such as blogging for PetSmart or brands of dog foods or even the AKC! Why not? Pets are a huge part of our culture and something I personally love talking about.

I also love labels. That might make me sound materialistic but how cool would it be to hear about a new design or something from your favorite label? I just got some super cool NY Yankees Reeboks. I bet few people even know that you can get Reeboks with your favorite baseball team on them.

Amazon.com is another place I’d love to blog for. I love shopping there and have spent tons of money buying things from them so why not spread the word?

Blogging is a huge search engine sweetheart so it only stands to reason that advertisers need to make it an important part of their budget. I started watching In Plain Sight after reading about it and blogging about it on Social Spark. Now just think, had I not read about it there, would I be watching it? Probably not, since I heard about it for the first time on…you guessed it, a blog.

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