Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What's Your Bill IQ?


I recently took the quiz at Bills IQ on my financial health and scored a C. On one hand I think it could have been a whole lot worse and then again, I could have done better. This is a very neat tool that can help you see where you’re at with your own financial health. You might do better than you thought or worse but at the very least you’ll look at your finances differently. You might even consider something like Debt consolidation To Consolidate debt it's pretty easy to do and will help out on paying your bills.

It was interesting because it not only talked about your debts and finances, it talked about financial things that you might not consider, such as a will or college for your children. I don’t have children myself but a will is something I guess we all have to think about at some point. After you take the quiz and get your score, you can then click to the next section, which gives free personal advice and tips on how to improve your score. I thought this part was pretty nice because it’s rare that a site gives you advice for free without having to fill out a third party vendor or pay a fee. You can also compare your score with others who are in the same demographic group such as age, income and gender.

One of the things that they suggest that I do right is to create a budget. I am incessant about doing my budget each month and changing it according to events that increase it or decrease it throughout the month. One way to save money that I do is if you have an extra income from any other source, such as blogging, put that money into savings like it never existed. That can be hard to do but it adds up quickly. I put my eBay sales money into savings. I might spend it eventually but it’s there at first and sometimes I forget about it, only using it when necessary. Try out Bills.com for Debt help and Debt relief

Sponsored by Bills.com

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