Saturday, October 18, 2008

Just stuff

I'm learning a lot about vitamins and stuff since I love visiting the Vitamin Store next to Starbucks. I learned I should be taking whole foods vitamins instead of synthetic ones. That's where I also learned about enzymes and probiotics. I'm not sure if it all works but let's just say I had the flu symptoms for 3 weeks almost and once I started taking the enzymes and probiotics my symptoms were gone in 3 days.

DS started paying less for submitted titles which sucks since I submitted most of mine for the last few months. I guess I'll go back to writing stuff like How to become a Mime in Viet Nam. I did get paid again today for my WRG articles for the month so that was nice since those are so much more research.

Did I say I got a B on my Human Behavior class test? Not bad for the harder of the two classes. Now I just have to do better in the easier class. Go figure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL Vitamin store next to Starbucks! Maybe they should put some vitamins in the drinks! Hey we tagged you this am on Ms Macky's blog go see it,


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