Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Not much good news

Wow, all the bad news today gives me a sad. Jennifer Hudson's family and now her nephew, the anchor who was killed might have been broken into through her doggie door,(that makes me sad since she loved her dogs so much) school shootings, Caylee is pretty much known to be dead, four cheerleaders die in a car crash, you name it. Good thing I'm not depressed...sheesh!

Sunday we went shopping at Silver Sands and got a few things but a lot of stores we loved are gone. The economy is so bad that hardly anyone was there and that place is always packed. Rather sad to me. It was nice though and later we got food from Fresh Market, which I love. I did get a purse from an unfamiliar designer. See, I had to say that just to be funny. Sounded all snarky didn't it? It's Jennifer Von Zeeland and I love it. I really loved the Michael Kors stuff but it was too expensive even on discount. A $400 purse? I'd feel guilty if I didn't stuff and mount it after paying that much. LOL

I have been so busy today but thankfully not overwhelmed. Test at school and I studied a lot thank you very much, quite a few articles to write, making the dogs' rice and chicken (R mostly did that), cleaning up, laundry....you name it. I am catching up at least. Weird thing is that I get cold at like 59 and lower and tonight it's 47 and I am not cold! Been feeling allergies today so perhaps I have a fever.

Okay, I'm rambling and so need to get back to work. :)

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