Saturday, January 3, 2009

Product placement

No, not the television kind. We were in Walmart and I had this bet with R that they'd carry the finger vibe from Trojan. We'd seen a commercial and he said, "I bet Walmart doesn't carry that." I thought they might. Well, they didn't have that but they did have vibrating rings. LOL I digress. Anyway, next to that kind of stuff is pregnancy tests (in case it doesn't work), lube (in case you need help making things work smoothly), Enzyte (in case it doesn't work at all) and get this, Excedrin Headache Formula. I'm assuming this is in case your spouse has a headache excuse. LOL I just thought that was hilarious. I wonder what else would go there. Lingerie? How about flowers for the next day or a card? Oh I! Maybe some Barry White. I never could get into his stuff. I'd much rather have Broken Wings by Mr. Mister. I shall embed their video for your viewing pleasure.

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