Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I'm sick today. I have another darn sinus infection and the first person who tells me I am sick all the time is no longer my friend. I am not sick all the time, I just have a big mouth and talk about it more. I feel like crap and I have tons to do. Work is semi slow so I have 5 WRG articles due by the 5th, I have the newsletter due soon, I have school Tues and Thurs and I don't want to go even though I've missed a few classes already, etc. The only good thing is I might have two websites to do and that's a good thing. I just want it to be summer. No school and maybe no sinus infections. Best of all, no cold weather. I think I am becoming burned out a little. That's why summer will be good because I can take a break somewhat. I'll still have work and articles but no school. Can you tell I'm tired of school? I love it but I'm just tired of it these last two semesters. I need a happy pill and a doctor from Star Trek who can scan me and fix things like allergies and dental stuff and doggone broken toes, stuff like that. I think I'll head to bed and dream of summer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damn Kim, that sucks!!!! Hope you feel better soon. I think I'm trying to come down with something myself I don't know if it's a head cold, sinus infection or what, but I've felt like crap the last couple days.


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