Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Farm Town Fun

This cracks me up. It was a guy harvesting my farm and he had a question.

Eric: what do i do with animals?
Florida Girl: just sell them or keep them
Eric: what happens when u eat them?
Florida Girl: how do you eat them?
Eric: i think i saw an icon where u can eat them?
Florida Girl: ROFL
Florida Girl: let me look
Eric: ok
Florida Girl: nope
Eric: oh ok
Florida Girl: just move, sit, sleep
Florida Girl: oh wait
Florida Girl: eat
Florida Girl: it makes them eat, you don't eat them

1 comment:

Rick said...

lol.. that is really funny! I remember seeing that option also on the menu for sheep. I just clicked it and watched the sheep eat. The thought had never crossed my mind that my character might actually eat the sheep, but I suppose that is an understandable misconception as it is a Farm.


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