Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cruise dilemma

We have a small dilemma. We don't want to keep going to the same places we always go but the places I really want to go are like 9 day cruises. That's well and good but (a) I get homesick for my doggies, (b) add in driving time, etc and that's like taking two weeks off of work and I don't get paid vacations plus when you add in extra days for spending money, gratuity, etc...it adds up quite a bit. So, what to do? I saw one that was awesome where it includes Antigua, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands (St Thomas and Tortola) and Grand Turk but it is also 9 days. I know we did a 6 day one in 2005 and I guess that wasn't too bad but 9 days might as well be two weeks so I'm just not sure. I did find a 7 day one that is the Western Caribbean that has two places we have been and two we have not so that's an idea.

1 comment:

Karsun said...

Thanks so much! I appreciate your reading it. :)


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