Saturday, June 27, 2009

Dinner and a movie

Tonight we went to Red Robin and saw Transformers with a friend and her daughter. A very pleasant 13 year old, I might add who had a streak of pink in her hair. Totally cute. Normally I'm not big on kids but she was great and loves anime and manga. Anyway, the dinner and movie was just a'ight. Dinner wasn't as good there as it usually is and the movie, well...I liked the first one a lot and don't get me wrong, I liked this one but I didn't love it. We ended up having to see it in town at 10:15 since they were sold out at every other showing. We were originally going at 8:15. At least the theater we ended up at is right by our house almost. I wanted to see Drag Me To Hell, to be honest. I love blockbusters like crazy but I'm just not this huge Transformers fan. (even though I did like the first one)

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