Wednesday, June 10, 2009



Mavenlink is an innovative service that allows people to post projects and in turn, find someone who can follow through on that project. For example, let’s say that I want to have someone help me design accounting software for my business. I would simply sign up at Mavenlink for free and post my needs and allotted budget and then someone could accept my proposal. Or for instance, perhaps I’m a professional resume writer needing to enhance my income. I can post my services up when I make a free profile and let the world know that I’m available. Now how simple is that?

From freelance services to marketing and brand design, you can find or offer a multitude of services on Mavenlink and do it all at no cost. If you’re a small business looking to get quality work done at an affordable price and delivered on time by a professional then you should check them out and see what all they can do for you. Mavenlink is there to connect businesses with professionals so whether you’re a small business looking to provide to more people or someone needing a specific service by a professional, Mavenlink is the right place, right now.


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