Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Dog Shampoo

Does your dog smell bad? Do you have to wash him daily or do you have the problem of your dog having dry and flaky skin so you have to wait weeks in between bathing? Maybe you feel like you keep having to rinse your dog over and over and yet it still seems as if he’s not fully rinsed off. Well, Dinovite has a dog shampoo that is all natural and gives your dog that new dog smell.

Dogosuds has tons of useful benefits such as making your furry friend smell clean for longer, it lathers up wonderfully and rinses off like a dream, it has 100% all natural healing oils that works great for sensitive skin and contains not a single drop of perfumes, fillers or chemicals so your dog’s eyes are safe from being irritated. And get this; it also works on skunk odor as well. You can’t beat that in a dog shampoo.

Dogosuds comes in four blends including Essential Oil Blend, Lavender, Peppermint/Tea Tree, and unscented. Each one has different specialties such as the Peppermint Tea Tree and the Essential Oil Blend being a natural deterrent. Try them out and see which one is right for you and your dog, I’m sure that you’ll enjoy each one!

1 comment:

Lover of Dogs and all things Natural said...

I love this stuff. But, I love all the things I have purchased at Dinovite. I especially love the essential oil shampoo. My dog smells so earthy, fresh and wonderful for about a week after his bath. It works like crayz!


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