Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Find an apartment from your iPhone


MyNewPlace in the iPhone app store is the coolest place to find apartments and it’s a free app for the iPhone! Just go to and check all of the benefits you can get such as number of beds, pet policies, amenities, bathrooms and more. You can even search amongst the 6 million nationwide apartments using your GPS. If you’d rather search by zip code, state or city you can do that as well.

My New Place is one of the largest apartment rental locating site on the Internet and the first one to utilize Facebook Connect in order to share listings with your friends. Not only that, they’re the recipient of Business Week Best of the Web Winner three times!

So if you’re searching for a new place to live or just want to weight out your options, why not get this free app and search nationwide? I think it’d be fun to just see what the rest of the country has to offer. You never know, you might find a new place in an entirely different part of the country and decide to pack up and move there. You can do all of this from the comfort of your home or anywhere you take your iPhone.

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