Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Your baby's future

If you have a child or a new baby and have been considering harvesting their cord blood then Cryo-Cell is the place to go for a great deal. They are offering a special for expectant families until midnight Sunday the 26th of July 2009 by using the promotional code 995PS. This is the “Protect Baby, Protect Mom” special where you can choose to enroll and get a discount of $725. You can also choose the Signature UCORD Service and exclusive C'elle Service for a single price and best value of $1299 by using the promo P2PS.

Cryo-cell is the business leader in cord blood banking and has over 175,000 clients currently. Cord blood banking can help with over 75 different diseases and 12,000 umbilical cord transplants were performed worldwide thus far. Not only are cord blood stem cells a 100% match for the infant donor, they are also a 1 in 4 match for a brother or sister.

There’s no enrollment fee and no extra fee for bedside courier service within the United States and Puerto Rico. They also offer a variety of different payment options that can meet most anyone’s budget. You can’t beat that kind of security and well-being.

Thing about if your child became sick. With this plan, you can rest assured that they have the donor material needed to fight a multitude of diseases and with having their own cord blood banked; the precious stem cells are readily available in time of need.


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