Thursday, August 6, 2009

Chronic Pain

I really have a deep sympathy for those in chronic pain. I hurt my back like 2 months ago. I'd have to look to see exactly when it was but it's been at least that. It's just now healing to where it hasn't hurt that bad in 3 days. I feel a slight pain here and there but nothing like before. It was awful at times. Some days it hurt to do anything other than lie down and rest. Walking hurt, sitting hurt, etc. I actually went to Sam's Club the other day and it didn't hurt and Sam's and Home Depot are the worst on my back when it's hurting. I can't imagine going through life with pain that just won't go away. I was honestly considering a chiropractor if it didn't get better. I first thought of all kinds of horrors since I didn't feel it when I actually hurt it like you sometimes do. I was thinking of the guy on Rescue Me who had a backache and it was cancer. I do that though, think the worst and self-diagnose. LOL Finally it's getting better. I just hope it continues to heal at this rate.

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