Monday, October 19, 2009

Advance your career

Did you know that a current survey of more than 500 human resource professionals that 84% of them agree that well-groomed workers climb the corporate ladder faster than employees that are not well-groomed? In fact, they even prefer well-groomed employees to a firm handshake.
It’s never a bad thing to have the most information you can about furthering your career or help with landing that perfect job.

Gillette newly launched Gillette Career Advantage where you can go and get expert advice from Mark Jeffries, who is a career expert, and Brett Fahlgren, who is a GQ style correspondent. Not only that, but you can go there whether you’re searching for a job or already have employment and need advice on job improvement. You can visit the site to take the Gillette Career Quiz and/or read through the hire guide to see what employers really think about certain things. If you’re looking for information on Gillette products or just want review survey results and get advice from grooming and career experts just visit the Gillette Resource Center.

The Gillette Career Advantage network is an excellent resource and best of all, it’s free for you to use. Why not check it out and help yourself get ahead in the workplace?


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