Saturday, October 24, 2009

Awesome mascara

I found the most awesome mascara. It's that vibrating kind. LOL I've been wanting to try it so tonight we were at Walmart (yeah yeah, we're always there but I needed some medicine) and they had it on an end cap. It's pricey for store mascara but when I got home I tried it, like I always do with new makeup and OMG it looks like I have fake eyelashes on now. Anyway, it's by Maybelline and this stuff rocks. It's better than any department store mascara I've had, better than anything. Try it if you want some awesome lashes. I hope they keep it or I'll have to buy a ton of it and stock up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks, I will try it out when I get a chance... After I become a cross-dresser. :P


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