Friday, October 23, 2009

Get your entertainment whenever you want it


Did you know that if you have Charter service you have access to hundreds of movies that you can watch any time at all? Not only that, you can also access your favorite television shows as well. Best of all, it’s all free. So now when you’ve missed your favorite show due to other responsibilities with your children, you can just pick up where you left off. A lot of them you can watch as early as the next day! As far as movies, who has time to run to the video store and then have to worry about getting a movie back on time? Waiting for movies in the mail is almost as bad. You never can get the movie you want as soon as you want. That’s not true with onDemand service with Charter. Get the movie you want to see, when you want to see it. No worries of lost or damaged movies either. If you have kids, they want their television shows immediately and want to watch them at their convenience. Now you can allow them to.

Make your life schedule the way you want it and still get to watch your favorite shows. You can learn more at

Don’t forget that you can get updates and fun extras on Charter’s Facebook page as well.

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