Thursday, October 8, 2009

No more offers

I am no longer going to purchase things online or on TV that have a free trial, etc because every single one of them screws it up. Out of the last 5 items I have purchased, each one has either not sent the product but took my money or sent the product but took the full amount out all at once instead of the payments they promised to take out in increments. I've spent the last hour on the phone with a company that not only didn't send it but keeps disconnecting me when I call. I am beyond annoyed and will be going to the bank Friday or Monday to have my debit card changed and this charge removed. Can you tell that I'm very angry? Add to that not getting any sleep last night and you have the perfect storm.

1 comment:

Vicky said...

I totally agree!!

I did a free trial on some acai diet supplements, then got told you have to sent them back unless you want to be charged, but I'd get charged for the first month anyway... it's all alledgedly in the terms and conditions.

Anyhoo -in the end I cancelled my credit card to sort it out. Scam and wait of time!


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