Wednesday, November 25, 2009
I watched two movies today but the one I wanted to mention is DeadGirl. I thought it was really great but I read some of the reviews and it seems some people were offended. Well, what did you think you might see if it tells how some teenage boys find a naked girl in an abandoned hospital? The premise is that she is dead but keeps living. What I find particularly interesting is the psychological issues. How do people succumb to such horrifying peer pressure? This is something that you can use on any type of multiple person crime. You see it all the time; a group of people rob someone, hurt someone, kill someone. Well, how do they all decide to do it and how is peer pressure so strong that you would do something you wouldn't normally do on your own? Anyway, if you're not easily offended and love horror, this one is a must-see.
Charter keeps it coming
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Charter Communication. All opinions are 100% mine.

Right now Charter is ending the year with more of their awesome sweepstakes. There are a couple of ways to win. You can get great deals on Charter’s cable, phone and internet services and also get free gift cards to boot, and from Black Friday till Cyber Monday they are offering gift cards with online specials. These gift cards are worth up to $200! Even then, after Cyber Monday is over they are still offering 38 days of specials where they are giving out prizes, gifts and deals every single day. Each day is different too so you can check back every single day to see what is offered for that day. They have things such as iPods, camcorders, televisions, GPS units, webcams, photo frames and even more!
Here’s another cool thing, they have series swag to give out such as stuff from Showtime and HBO. If you’re a fan of Big Love, Dexter, The Tudors and/or Californication you might want to get in on this and see if you can win a box set. You can keep up with Charter when you become a fan of Charter on Facebook or check out Charter’s Daily Deal Web Site.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The weather
It sure is nice right now. Here it is 2 days before Thanksgiving and it's 65 outside. I can always remember each holiday and what the weather was like. I remember some Christmases being warm enough to open up the doors and some being really cold. Same with Halloween. Sometimes it was super nice outside and then some were chilly. Thanksgiving before last was neat. We'd all gone to Dirty Dicks for dinner and by the time we ate and went back to the truck the sky was a dark blue with the wind blowing pretty fierce. After it stormed it got cold but that day was one of the most perfect days for Thanksgiving. I do still hope we get some rogue snow when we go to Mobile for our cruise.
The gift of time
Watches are a great Christmas gift giving idea since they’re a piece that is timeless, pardon the pun. They’re something that will last forever for that special someone. Seiko Kinetic watches are an excellent choice since their technology converts movement into electrical energy. This means that you never have to replace a battery because the natural movements of your wrist keep your watch running. Imagine never having to worry about your watch going dead. Your loved one will love this feature in a new watch that you buy them. Seiko is the first company to create this technology and it has become a technology that is used in other watches as well.
I love giving special gifts like watches and jewelry for Christmas. A special piece of jewelry can make the recipient feel like they’re the most important person in the world. Not only that, some watches can become heirlooms that can be passed on to other family members. These watches never go out of style either. You could have a 40 year old watch that continues to go up in value and the Seiko Kinetic watches
I love giving special gifts like watches and jewelry for Christmas. A special piece of jewelry can make the recipient feel like they’re the most important person in the world. Not only that, some watches can become heirlooms that can be passed on to other family members. These watches never go out of style either. You could have a 40 year old watch that continues to go up in value and the Seiko Kinetic watches
Dangerous Donner

This is Donner. Isn't that face just adorable? Don't let it fool you! Last night I got maimed three times by him.
Once I got scratched on the arm really bad because I was playing with him and Blitz tried to butt in so he jumped real fast taking some flesh with him.
The second time wasn't a maiming but was just plain yucky. He'd been outside so when he came in I told him I was going to get his foot and brought it up to my mouth and it was dirty. I know, don't put things in your mouth that have been outdoors.
The third time was my fault but still... I had a roll of wrapping paper and stuck one end up to my mouth and the other at him and made a foghorn noise. This caused him to jump, sending the roll hard against my mouth. I figured three times and I'm out so no more playing with Donner last night.
Direct TV
I have a friend who recently got Direct TV and really likes it so far. I told him how I used to work at a satellite business and the pros of getting DirectTV; benefits such as all channels being digital, over 130 HD channels and being one of the first people to have television after a storm. With cable you have to wait till everyone is hooked back up but that’s not an issue with satellite.
My favorite thing about Directv is the DVR. With a DVR you can pause and rewind live television and record your favorite shows. I don’t know what I’d do without mine. We watch all of our shows via the DVR instead of live. I also like how you can enter your favorite people and the DVR will find shows for you. You can even record two shows at once and that has to be my favorite thing of all, especially with conflicting shows that I want to see both of.
They even give you a DVR scheduler so you can record on the go. Now how cool is that? Best of all, you can get over 150 digital channels for just $29.95 a month. See if you can get that kind of price with cable and I guarantee that you can’t.
My favorite thing about Directv is the DVR. With a DVR you can pause and rewind live television and record your favorite shows. I don’t know what I’d do without mine. We watch all of our shows via the DVR instead of live. I also like how you can enter your favorite people and the DVR will find shows for you. You can even record two shows at once and that has to be my favorite thing of all, especially with conflicting shows that I want to see both of.
They even give you a DVR scheduler so you can record on the go. Now how cool is that? Best of all, you can get over 150 digital channels for just $29.95 a month. See if you can get that kind of price with cable and I guarantee that you can’t.
Monday, November 23, 2009
I love the holidays. What is everyone doing for Thanksgiving? I know we're going out to dinner with Rich's family but we usually cook our own dinner as well. I saw a neat recipe on Food Network that had turkey breast and stuffing put into an eggroll and fried. It looked yummy but since I make an awesome turkey and R makes this spectacular stuffing, we will probably stick to that this year and try the eggrolls sometime just as a regular dinner.
ShopWikiUK for great deals
ShopWikiUK is a great new way of shopping for the lowest priced items. First of all, ShopWikiUK is really cool because a lot of search engines put ads up of places that have paid them but ShopWiki doesn't work that way. They find every store online by crawling the pages like Google. This way you get better savings, not just a site that paid to have you see their ad.
Now you can find anything you want at the lowest price including sale prices. So if you’re looking for women’s complete outfits or even women’s fashion trends, you can find it at a price you can afford and not get weighed down by ad after ad that won’t even save you money in the long run.
I need some new clothes for the cruise in December so I think I’ll try ShopWiki just to see what savings I can find.
Now you can find anything you want at the lowest price including sale prices. So if you’re looking for women’s complete outfits or even women’s fashion trends, you can find it at a price you can afford and not get weighed down by ad after ad that won’t even save you money in the long run.
I need some new clothes for the cruise in December so I think I’ll try ShopWiki just to see what savings I can find.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Organic Milk
I mentioned this on Facebook but I wanted to blog about it as well. I have discovered organic milk and now I'll never drink regular milk again if I can help it. It's more expensive but it's so worth it. I got the Organic Valley brand and thought I'd try the 2% milk since R doesn't like whole milk. Well, their 2% milk tastes like whole milk, it's that good! Not only that, organic milk lasts way longer than regular milk. You can keep it as long as a month since they process it differently. That helps with the cost since there's not as much wasted milk. However, I doubt we'll ever waste this stuff since the taste is out of this world. Plus, it's better for you. Try some of it. Get one of the small little cartons at Starbucks or wherever if you're not sure.
Win a VIP recording experience
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Popstation. All opinions are 100% mine.
PopStation is this awesome music experience online where you can climb to the top of the charts and get an album deal. There are all types of songs available in what is called practice rooms. Not just one genre either; you can pick hip hop, rock or country then make the song all your own. Once your song is entered it is then voted on by regular people. Now here is the cool part. Every three months the artist voted #1 will win a huge prize. If you win you get a paid three night stay at a New York City hotel, you’ll be picked up by a luxury vehicle and taken to a real, professional recording studio and get to record your own album. Not only that but you even get a professional production team. Now who wouldn’t want that?
After you’re all done with your new album it’ll be featured on the artist’s page for everyone to see. You get final mixing, post-production and even the design of it. Just imagine a VIP recording experience with a crash course in the music industry. Most people wait years if not forever for this type of opportunity and all you have to do is go enter.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Why is it...
...that when people get mad at you they use the most dirty and immature things they can think of to say? I mean, really! I'm talking about professional business people too. I had a disagreement where I ended a professional relationship and instead of moving on, this person started to try to play dirty. I find it somewhat amusing since they acted like some kind of "I know everyone and I'll tell" kind of game but maybe they were shocked when I knew a little something too. :) My point is, don't assume you can one-up someone because they just might have the upper hand. Keep that in mind, vaguely referenced person. And just so you know, I had the most delicious time writing this with a huge grin on my face. (and I labeled this post stupid people)
Free holiday buying guide
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Hoover and Dirt Devil. All opinions are 100% mine.

The Dirt Devil Holiday Gift Guide is a great resource to find out how to find Black Friday deals, all about Cyber Monday and gift ideas for anyone from your wife to your dad or the entire family. They even include helpful websites where you can find out more. There are great deals on Dirt Devil products for anyone you can think of such as the Vision Cyclonic with power hand tool. Best of all is that there are closeout prices, free shipping and guides to give you information on who in your gift buying circle may like this item. There are even free shipping shortcuts for you to utilize. This gift guide is perfect for helping out with your holiday shopping this season because you can find most anything you need to know and get great prices while you’re at it.
I loved how this free download shows the resources you need, while showing Dirt Devil’s items throughout. Nothing is intrusive or hard to find and the resources are user friendly as well. There are even places to find technological items and freebies such as free photo prints and items for kids that you can print out at no charge! Check out this buying guide, you’ll be glad you heard about it.

Darn you, Wii
I got a Wii a little while back. It was a great gift from a customer. Anyway, I'm using Wii Fit but also like to play games and especially ones we can play together. So I was able to get Wii Sports Resort and it has a motion sensor for one controller. Well, who knew that you could not put the motion sensor on a non-Wii brand of remote? You can but you can't use the nunchuck with it. So, we had to take back the controller we'd bought extra and order an official Wii controller and nunchuck, which was more expensive. I love the system but it seems you have to get another part each time you get a new game. Oh well, it'll be fun once we have the new remote.
Make money with Twitter
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Sponsored Tweets. All opinions are 100% mine.

Izea has created an awesome way of monetizing your Twitter account and who wouldn’t want to make more money? All you have to do is set a price, add a category and keywords and just sit back and relax. Advertisers can contact you when they want something tweeted and pay you to do it. There are a few names on board you might recognize such as Kim Kardashian and Leann Rimes. Heck, even Bob Vlla is part of it. It doesn’t matter if your Twitter account is big or small; everyone can make money doing this. Just imagine getting an e-mail telling you that you’ll get paid to post a tweet and since we all know how easy it is to tweet, why not make a few bucks while you’re at it?
I signed up and it was so easy to do and anyone can sign up! Once you’re all signed up you can view your account at any time and see what offers you may have or wait for the e-mail invitations to come. Either way, it’s simple and user friendly. If you love social networking as much as I do this is an excellent opportunity to have your Twitter account work for you. Just sign up for sponsored tweets today.

Monday, November 16, 2009
The economy
The economy sure needs to get better. I was just reading in the paper the other day about local stores that have closed and there were a few I didn't even realize had gone. Between people getting laid off and no one having money it sure is bad. I am determined to keep my thoughts positive and know that it will get better. I keep hearing it is but not seeing a lot of progress. However, I know personally that things will work out. That's all we can do, know that the best is yet to come. Of course, tell that to someone who lost their job or is behind on their mortgage or lost a business. I sure wish it were two years ago. Now that was a good year!
Soup, anyone?
I have to say that I love cooking for Thanksgiving. I honestly make an awesome turkey too! Ask anyone. Today I saw something neat though. It was turkey and stuffing egg-rolls. I might actually try it. Regardless, I usually do a turkey, R makes this out of the world dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy and dinner rolls. However, I love soups so I was thinking I should add a soup course sometime. They have these awesome Soup Bowl Sets that would go perfectly with the soup I decide to add. I’m not sure what kind yet but I recently tried this soup that was Portobello and Button Mushroom Crème Soup with Walnuts and it was divine. I might add something like that. I can even get some new Kitchen Scoops too!

Post Apocalyptic (PA) books
I just read a really bad PA book. I'm not sure whether to state the name or not since if it was his first book ever then it was okay but if he's a seasoned writer then not so good. Okay, it was Deep Winter. I had read these awesome reviews but honestly, I didn't like it much at all. In fact, I sped read through the last half while waiting for our tires to be rotated.
Here are my favorites:
One Second After
Swan Song
The Stand
I liked The Road okay but the movie looks pretty darn good. I just didn't think it was the Pulitzer Prize winner it became to be.
Here are my favorites:
One Second After
Swan Song
The Stand
I liked The Road okay but the movie looks pretty darn good. I just didn't think it was the Pulitzer Prize winner it became to be.
one second after,
pa books,
post apocalyptic books,
swan song,
the road,
the stand
Jon's new video
I recently saw the Jon Gosselin video he did on Live or Die Funny where he goes back in time. He gets rid of his Ed Hardy stuff and takes out his earrings and redoes his hair, etc. I thought it was pretty funny but I still think he's a jerk.
My point is, I still like Ed Hardy stuff. I'm not sure when it became uncool to some people but I kind of like it. I don't wear many of the shirts but I do still have the sunglasses and love the shoes.
Check out some of the Ed Hardy clothes and accessories that you can get. I am going to keep my stuff because no one ever said I was cool anyway. LOL
My point is, I still like Ed Hardy stuff. I'm not sure when it became uncool to some people but I kind of like it. I don't wear many of the shirts but I do still have the sunglasses and love the shoes.
Check out some of the Ed Hardy clothes and accessories that you can get. I am going to keep my stuff because no one ever said I was cool anyway. LOL
A good day
Today started out rather yucky. I couldn't sleep and was up early but then went back to bed and got some much needed rest. After I got up there was a book signing by Mike Huckabee that I wanted to attend so we headed off to Pier Park. I got my book signed and met him then we ate some dinner/lunch. We then waited around to see 2012 and I loved it. Sure, it's FX overload but you all know how much I love that. Great movie for entertainment value and highly recommended. Then we finally left and got coffee in town because Starbucks on the beach can't stay open past a 3 year old's bedtime for some reason. All said and done we were at Pier Park for like 5 hours. The movie itself was almost 2 and a half hours. Either way it turned out to be a wonderful day. Got some website stuff done for Facebook pages for clients, watched some TV (Dexter was awesome) and now just hanging out.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Worst day in a long long time
We've had the worst day! The tree fell so we had PawPaw out to cut it up for us. During that time I had the cat make a mess, one dog make a mess then Blitz vomited up about a gallon for me. My back was killing me so I had gotten up at 9 AM and decided to lie down for about an hour at around 3 PM. During this hour R lost his job and called me and my uncle died and I had calls from that. I am honestly not sure how it can get worse but I won't say that out loud in case it does. Gonna have to put a huge amount of "The Secret" out there to get things back on track. We also have our trip in Dec which is paid for so we can't get a refund if we decide not to go. Oh, what to do, you know? I know things will work out, they always do.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Well, Ida has been downgraded to a Tropical Storm. Right now it's raining off and on and we have a slight breeze. Here's the forecast for later:
Tropical storm conditions expected with Hurricane conditions possible. Rain and isolated thunderstorms. Highs 71 to 77. Rain may be heavy at times in the afternoon. East winds 5 to 25 mph increasing to 15 to 35 mph with gusts to around 55 mph in the afternoon. Chance of rain near 100 percent.
And Tuesday:
Tropical storm conditions expected with Hurricane conditions possible. Mostly cloudy. Rain likely and isolated thunderstorms in the morning...then a chance of rain and isolated thunderstorms in the afternoon. Highs 71 to 74. Rain may be heavy at times in the morning. South winds 30 to 45 mph shifting to the southwest 25 to 45 mph in the afternoon. Gusts up to 65 mph. Chance of rain 60 percent.
Hopefully they close school. The regular schools are closed but college is still open.
Tropical storm conditions expected with Hurricane conditions possible. Rain and isolated thunderstorms. Highs 71 to 77. Rain may be heavy at times in the afternoon. East winds 5 to 25 mph increasing to 15 to 35 mph with gusts to around 55 mph in the afternoon. Chance of rain near 100 percent.
And Tuesday:
Tropical storm conditions expected with Hurricane conditions possible. Mostly cloudy. Rain likely and isolated thunderstorms in the morning...then a chance of rain and isolated thunderstorms in the afternoon. Highs 71 to 74. Rain may be heavy at times in the morning. South winds 30 to 45 mph shifting to the southwest 25 to 45 mph in the afternoon. Gusts up to 65 mph. Chance of rain 60 percent.
Hopefully they close school. The regular schools are closed but college is still open.
Check out this contest
Abbott Medical Optics, Inc. (AMO) is a world leader in laser vision correction and has recently launched an iLASIK Video Contest where you can win cash and prizes just by showing how better vision has impacted your life.
The “You Gotta See This” video contest has videos on everything you can imagine that a person with better vision would make. There are things such as swimming, playing football, reading and everyday life experiences. There are even original music videos that people have made. The good news is that the contest is still open so you can enter as well. There is a $5000 grand prize and more prizes for each video category such as an HDTV package worth $2500 for first prize and the Flip UltraHD camcorder for second prize in each category. The camcorder is worth $199.99.
All you have to do is submit a video in one of the following categories:
• “My contacts are getting in the way of my good time”
• “My favorite sport or activity would be so much cooler with better vision”
• “You should see life after the iLASIK® Procedure”
Don’t forget to tell your friends to vote for you. Votes are one of the main factors in deciding a winner so get your friends to help out!
The “You Gotta See This” video contest has videos on everything you can imagine that a person with better vision would make. There are things such as swimming, playing football, reading and everyday life experiences. There are even original music videos that people have made. The good news is that the contest is still open so you can enter as well. There is a $5000 grand prize and more prizes for each video category such as an HDTV package worth $2500 for first prize and the Flip UltraHD camcorder for second prize in each category. The camcorder is worth $199.99.
All you have to do is submit a video in one of the following categories:
• “My contacts are getting in the way of my good time”
• “My favorite sport or activity would be so much cooler with better vision”
• “You should see life after the iLASIK® Procedure”
Don’t forget to tell your friends to vote for you. Votes are one of the main factors in deciding a winner so get your friends to help out!

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Aren't you a little late, Ida?
This is the view earlier today.

Seems we have a little hurricane headed this way. Right now it looks like it's going to the Mobile, AL area and hooking over although earlier it was hooking much lower, which would have it pass through us. It's a category 2 so it's not a biggie. Probably just get some wind and rain. It's just so late in the season that it's pretty surprising.

Seems we have a little hurricane headed this way. Right now it looks like it's going to the Mobile, AL area and hooking over although earlier it was hooking much lower, which would have it pass through us. It's a category 2 so it's not a biggie. Probably just get some wind and rain. It's just so late in the season that it's pretty surprising.
Friday, November 6, 2009
An inperfect day
I think because yesterday was a perfect day that the universe has to balance out or something. Today, not so perfect. I woke up at 9:00 AM with a cold and you all know that if I'm up that early then I am sick or on vacation and I'm not on a beach in Mexico. So I'm sick enough to go to bed later and fall out but then the mailman rings the doorbell and wakes me back up. We went to pick up some medicine, etc and when we got home the front door handle was broken. It's like a thing you turn down instead of a knob. We had to unlock the privacy fence and go through the back yard. We were then literally locked in our house until R took the handle off to be replaced. So my perfect day beget this imperfect sucky day. I can't complain though and my cold is subsiding.
Oh and I forgot about blogging about Dead Snow. This movie freaking rocks. I watched it the other day with R and he even liked it and he hates subtitles. It's from Finland and it's about these snow skier med students that camp out at this place where these Nazis were killed. The Nazis are zombies and let's just say it was the bloodiest movie I have ever seen and the most use of guts ever. But, even if that's not your thing the snow was absolutely breathtaking, the zombies breathed super loud in stereo and it was creepy and it was just awesome. I rated it a 5/5 and it is now one of my favorite foreign horror movies ever. Click the link and view the trailer.
Oh and I forgot about blogging about Dead Snow. This movie freaking rocks. I watched it the other day with R and he even liked it and he hates subtitles. It's from Finland and it's about these snow skier med students that camp out at this place where these Nazis were killed. The Nazis are zombies and let's just say it was the bloodiest movie I have ever seen and the most use of guts ever. But, even if that's not your thing the snow was absolutely breathtaking, the zombies breathed super loud in stereo and it was creepy and it was just awesome. I rated it a 5/5 and it is now one of my favorite foreign horror movies ever. Click the link and view the trailer.
Find anything at the best price

SHOP.COM has awesome finds on the perfect deal. Recently I was looking at shower curtains and found exactly what I was looking for there. R’s bathroom is the yellow rubber ducky motif (yes, mixing motif with yellow ducky just isn’t right somehow) and we’re always on the lookout for a new design. I found more than one design on their list of shower curtains. Not only that, I can find almost anything from Kohls Bedding to Chris Madden Comforters, and you know how I love my comforters. They give you the best deal online no matter what store it comes from and without paid advertisements that might find you something at a higher price just because it was a paid ad. How can you go wrong with that?
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Various stuff
If I even see a dust bunny I start coughing but a guy has 11 bodies decaying in his house? Go figure that one.
If any of you watch Nip/Tuck, the part with Rose McGowan tonight (Teddy) I said, what if that guy is....(left blank if someone watches it and hasn't yet). If you have seen it, I figured that out and was right. What a blast that episode was.
I am the proud owner of a Wii, Wii Fit Plus and The Biggest Loser package. It's for Christmas and I had a nice customer that gave me an Amazon Gift Certificate so that's how I got it. Otherwise I'd have to save up since we have our trip to Mexico coming up shortly. I can't wait to get it but I'm not opening it or else I'll have it now and not much for Christmas. R jokes that I'll put up anything for Christmas so if he buys socks he'll ask if it's for Christmas since around this time till then, I'm putting up stuff we buy. Too funny.
I'm still putting my "The Secret" stuff to work and it's working. A friend was teasing me today about it and kind of making fun but if it's working for me then I'm not gonna mock it. So there! :)
If any of you watch Nip/Tuck, the part with Rose McGowan tonight (Teddy) I said, what if that guy is....(left blank if someone watches it and hasn't yet). If you have seen it, I figured that out and was right. What a blast that episode was.
I am the proud owner of a Wii, Wii Fit Plus and The Biggest Loser package. It's for Christmas and I had a nice customer that gave me an Amazon Gift Certificate so that's how I got it. Otherwise I'd have to save up since we have our trip to Mexico coming up shortly. I can't wait to get it but I'm not opening it or else I'll have it now and not much for Christmas. R jokes that I'll put up anything for Christmas so if he buys socks he'll ask if it's for Christmas since around this time till then, I'm putting up stuff we buy. Too funny.
I'm still putting my "The Secret" stuff to work and it's working. A friend was teasing me today about it and kind of making fun but if it's working for me then I'm not gonna mock it. So there! :)
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween and Saw VI
A friend asked me to blog about Saw VI so I'll add it into my Halloween post. Okay, so that's what we did, go see Saw VI. R had to work today but it was a nice day. It was 66 most of today but by tonight it got a little chilly. Much better than the near 90's we had during which our a/c was broke.
We had dinner at this new pizza place but I really wasn't impressed. It was okay but nothing great. I said I didn't want sauce in my calzone and was told that that kind doesn't have sauce but when I got it, you guessed it...sauce. The mushrooms were great though so I have to give them credit for that.
Saw VI was really good but I love all of them anyway. This one added a really neat story and some back story as well, which is always good. The Saw franchise can get really confusing I admit but this one helped out a bunch. The gore was pretty much in tune with what it usually haves although the first scene was pretty intense. I'd give it a 7 or an 8. Maybe the 8 if some parts had been more lit up or not in fast mode. Still loved it though.
We had dinner at this new pizza place but I really wasn't impressed. It was okay but nothing great. I said I didn't want sauce in my calzone and was told that that kind doesn't have sauce but when I got it, you guessed it...sauce. The mushrooms were great though so I have to give them credit for that.
Saw VI was really good but I love all of them anyway. This one added a really neat story and some back story as well, which is always good. The Saw franchise can get really confusing I admit but this one helped out a bunch. The gore was pretty much in tune with what it usually haves although the first scene was pretty intense. I'd give it a 7 or an 8. Maybe the 8 if some parts had been more lit up or not in fast mode. Still loved it though.
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