Monday, June 21, 2010

Rent and ...Say What?

We went by a place today that rents to own tires and rims. With Rich's new truck we thought it might be a neat idea so we could make payments on them since he needs tires at some point anyway. We were being proactive, or so I thought.

We got there and the prices almost made me pass out from sticker shock. For four tires and rims it was $100 down and $85 per week. That's more than we pay on either of our vehicles. Not to mention it was for 65 weeks. That's over $5500! Geez! We thanked them and went on our way.

On a side note I stopped by a certain jewelry store to pick up my ring and his watch and as usual they were there but had the doors locked and were having lunch at 3:00. At least we got our new bank cards re-pinned since our bank was taken over.

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