Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Things Are Looking Up Again

Things are finally looking up again. Rich has been getting so much overtime it's unbelievable. And while it gets in the way of doing anything sometimes the checks sure do make up for it. On top of that I had a great day this weekend working with a customer of mine who pays very well for help with their site updates, etc. So I spent 10 hours with them! Now that's a deposit I can't wait to get.

I also have another writing gig with a place I worked for in the past and did well at. WRG contacted me last week and they have a new set of orders that may turn out to be long term gigs. Between that one and the one I already do, things are going well. Add to all of that this site I found that is really working out where you can do something for someone for $5. It's called Fiverr and I've done quite well on it so far doing blog posts and things like that.

So in a nutshell, we've been hard at work but it's paying off. I almost feel like it's 2008 again.

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Karsuns World by Karsun is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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