Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I am Officially a Nerd

Or what is the non-old version of nerd? Geek? Dork? Okay so anyway, tonight I'm installing some new apps on my iPhone and found a police scanner app that scans around the world. Before I share my joy, I'm annoyed that in order to get our local scanner I have to have the 3.1.2 firmware and I only have 3.0. I'm not sure if I can get the new one because it's jailbroken and looking online gives me a plethora of information that would take me 3 years to digest. I already spent 2 hours doing this stuff although I did upgrade to 3.0. Anyway, I digress.

I found this police scanner that scans all over the world. I actually got to listen to a police scanner in Australia. I actually squealed with joy. Or maybe I should say, "squee" since that's in the Urban Dictionary and all. Anyway, that just rocks. I got to hear the accents and everything. Never mind that I had no clue what they were sending the police out on because I need that other download. I wrote a few hacktivation folks to see if I can upgrade. I have a 3G iphone with Ultrasn0w (that's how I bought it) that is unlocked and jailbroken. My network is T-mobile, 3.0 version, and the modem firmware is 04.05.04 just in case any of you readers know for sure.

I'm also annoyed that podunk Bay County, Florida does not have an online police scanner feed.

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