Saturday, September 4, 2010

Shattered Innocence on DVD

I am so excited that Shattered Innocence is on DVD now. For years I'd looked for this movie based on the porn star, Colleen Applegate, who committed suicide in the 80's. It was originally on CBS as a movie back in 1988.

Colleen Applegate was a teenager living in Minnesota (Kansas in the movie) who moved to California and ended up being a porn star named Shauna Grant. In the movie it was Lara Dawn. She got addicted to cocaine and between the issues she had with not being accepted by her parents, the drugs and depression she killed herself. It's a sad movie that I love.

It has the whole 80's feel to it but it's a great movie. I must have seen it 10 times now and at one time I had a copy someone made for me. Now I have a real DVD of it.

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