Monday, October 4, 2010

Gulf Coast Rising

On Saturday, October 30, from Houma, LA to Pensacola, FL, people will gather together in a spirit of appreciation for their beautiful, damaged home and their own determination to thrive.

School students, church groups, birdwatchers and fishermen, artists and musicians, families and friends will get together to talk about how the oil spill has affected their lives, and who and what has given them strength. They will sing, reflect, pray, play music, read poems, eat good food, drum or whatever feels right. Each group will create a simple picture out of ordinary materials—a bird, a shrimp, a human figure or anything else that represents the vitality of life in the Gulf—and take a photograph of themselves with their image. Groups that create a picture 25 feet long or larger will be considered for inclusion in a special, limited number of aerial photos to be taken that day by the acclaimed New Orleans photographer, Matthew D. White.

Each group will receive a presentation of all the images on digital disc.

You can sign up and find events here

Radical Joy for Hard Times, the non-profit organization sponsoring the event is asking Gulf Coast citizens, groups and their supporters to join the effort by organizing an event, participating in one that is already happening or by becoming part of the Gulf Coast Rising support network. Supporters can sponsor, volunteer, help spread the word or sign up to endorse the project. For more information and to register and get a pin on the map go to the website at

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