Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How Do They Do It?

You tell me how we have just the two of us and 3 dogs and the house can look like a disaster in 2 days? I clean and clean and it never looks like some people's houses. J, I'm talking to you. I try to keep a clean house and it seems to be a losing battle. Now I don't scrub things with a toothbrush like my mom but maybe I should because her house is always spotless too. Mind you, she doesn't have the dogs but still. As soon as I finish up here I'm going to start cleaning again. Already loaded the dishwasher, put up the sodas and water, etc then I want to vacuum and mop. I guess after that I'll start on the living room; maybe write a couple of articles in between. I guess the house is pretty clean but I always try to look at it from what a stranger would see and it doesn't pass so off to clean I go...again.

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