Friday, April 8, 2011

Just Trying Something Out

I'm doing a test here so hey, how about signing up for Netflix? (this is part of my test) Netflix is awesome to be able to watch movies. You can rent the disc or even watch them via xBox, Internet capable televisions, PS3's, etc. We personally love our subscription to them. If I'm not mistaken you can try them out for free and see if it's for you. I also recommend GameFly. Now we can rent games and try them out before spending $60 on one and finding out that we hate it. Okay, those are my recommendations for today. :)


Angie said...

Thank you for the retweet this morning. I believe I know what you are testing, so I'll click that! ;) (I'm already signed up, but at least you can see your stats.)

Karsun said...

You're more than welcome. It was a really awesome post so I'm trying it out. It can't hurt, you know?


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