I recently saw a blog post talking about how writing had changed due to Google's changes and this was affecting the people that work at home; some that have no choice. I have a choice, folks. I worked in the real world all of my life till about 5 years ago I think. Now, I wouldn't have it any other way.
Can I go out and get a job? Sure! However, I've made more money at home than I ever did working for someone else. Granted, the economy sucks now. Don't even get me started. Rich has heard how I wish it was 2008 about as many times as he can take. However, I love being able to get up when I want (most of the time) and wear what I want. I take a break when I want, meaning that if I want to watch a Lifetime movie, I can.
I still work hard at home. I just don't have to answer to anyone but myself and my income. Believe me, that's hard enough. When you don't have a secure income coming in it can be scary but as long as I can do it from home I will; I just don't have to.
So no, I'm not disabled, too stupid to get a job somewhere else or too lazy. I work more hours from home than I did at a real job, not that this isn't a real job. I love being with my dogs and being able to do housework when I want. Honestly, as long as I can make a living from home that's what I plan to do. :)