Thursday, May 19, 2011

OEM Car Parts

I’m all about saving money lately and one way you can save money is to buy your own OEM Car Parts and have your mechanic use them or if you’re like us, do it yourself. I don’t know how many times Rich has bought his own parts and done our own repairs. It sure saves time and money. Heck, we all know how high it is to go to the dealer and have them do a repair for you. Between the parts and labor you could almost buy a new car by the time you are done dealing with them. When you buy your own OEM Auto Parts you get the real price, not the price after the dealership has marked it up.  Most places will allow you to buy your own parts and let them use them. It saves everyone a lot of money and since the mechanic isn’t out any extra money, typically they don’t mind. In fact, be aware that if your mechanic won’t let you buy your own parts you may be paying more than you should. This can be due to them marking up the price parts. We’ve even had it happen to us but luckily we caught it.

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