Sunday, February 26, 2012

Love's Baby Soft

Okay, I admit it, I love Love's Baby Soft perfume. It reminds me of Jr High and it just smells so yummy. I didn't even know they still sold it till we were in Walmart and saw it. Honestly, there are three perfumes in the world I love more than anything, okay make that four:

  1. Love's Baby Soft
  2. White Shoulders
  3. Obsession by Cher (don't hate and it's out of production too)
  4. Anything by Givenchy
I have plenty of perfume but I love those four so much. I found the Obsession at a vendor that specializes in out of production perfume so I got that a couple of years ago. It was the one perfume I could wear and people would actually comment and ask what it was. I did wear some Fendi to work one day recently and someone asked me what it was because it smelled so nice.

With all that said, I plan to buy some Love's Baby Soft and take a trip down memory lane.

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