Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Direct TV

I bet none of you or just a few of you know that I used to work for a satellite TV service. It was shortly after leaving the cable industry. Well, that just means I have an inside look at services such as Direct TV and satellite TV providers. What I remember most is that I had a plethora of awesome stations to watch and they were all in high digital quality. For instance, I never even knew about Lifetime Movie Channel until I saw it on satellite TV. Since I could watch TV all day, I’d sit there and watch Lifetime movies when I had nothing else that had to be done. 

Another thing I learned is that during hurricanes and bad weather, which we have a lot of in Florida, the satellites were up and running long before cable companies so those that had dx3 and dx3 direct tv had their viewing pleasure a lot sooner than anyone else. Another neat thing is that with their Premium package, there are over 170 HD channels available and let me tell you, cable can’t compete with that at all. And just so you know, local channels are available so don’t let anyone tell you differently. They reach 99% of the homes so you don’t have to worry about missing your local programming. Check out Direct TV and see what you’re missing.

1 comment:

Nuratrim said...

Can you get direct tv in the UK?



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