Saturday, June 16, 2012

Donner's Vet Visit

We finally got to see the vet about Donner's skin problems and his urination issues. We'd been before but he was having problems again. Now he's had a steroid injection and some antibiotics that should help him out. What I do like about Banfield is that they let you see your bill before they do anything. For instance, they wanted to put him on Comfortis and added it to the estimate. I won't put him on that because German Shepherds and Belgian Malinois cannot tolerate too much of the Ivermectin and can die from it. So, we took it off. We also took off a few other things we will have done later or can do on our own. He's not scratching as much now so that's a good sign. He goes back in two weeks for a check up.

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