Thursday, September 27, 2012

Online Writing Jobs

Here’s a site right up my alley – it’s all about freelance writing and why you might be interested, how to find them and more.

For instance, there is a list of each type of writing job and what each one means. Here’s just a sample of the information you can find on each type of job:

·         Academic writer
·         Content writer
·         Copywriting jobs
·         Dissertation writer
·         Essay writer
·         Online tutoring jobs
·         Resume writer
·         Technical writer
·         And more!

Believe me; I’ve done about half of these. However, in the ever-changing world of freelance writing, you always have to have more than one egg in your basket. Sure as you get something steady that pays well things may change and you have to have a backup plan. That is why it is important to have all of the knowledge you can on each type of freelance writing job and what the person or company who is hiring is looking for.

At this particular site you can sign up and get started on your way to a new career where you can work from home, choose your hours and be your own boss pretty much. Check them out, I know that I am!

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