Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Empathy....The World Needs More

How many times have you been to your favorite social network and read a status update but weren't able to relate to the person? It seems that the world doesn't have enough empathy and if you're an empath like myself, you know how important that is. Now there's a site for those of us that want more, called Halka.

What Halka is is a social network that encourages all of the things we need more of - compassion, empathy, and knowledge. It's not just a place where you hear someone harping on the latest political happenings or what someone had for dinner; it's a place to really make a connection with someone, someone that can become a lifelong friend.

If you're not sure what empathy is, it's feeling something that another person feels as if it were you. If they're happy you are genuinely happy and if they have despair, you anguish along with them. Sometimes it can be a burden but if we all had more of it, the world would be a much better place. Check out the site, I know I plan to.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I am total empath. It drives me crazy sometimes. Sometimes I wish I could walk around and not care or feel. Because I feel it way deep when I lock with someone. I call it locking. Everything that is theirs has become mine. We are locked. Then again I wouldn't trade it. I think its a gift. It makes me....ME!


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