Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Memorable Domain Names

As someone that not only runs websites but owns businesses, memorable domain names are important. While I have domain names that are unique to me, you have to have something that a client or potential customer will remember. By having a memorable name for your domain, it keeps your brand message fresh in their minds.

For instance, if someone meets you and you tell them about your business, you want to know that they can find you in case they lose your information or business card. By having a name that is easy to remember and unique, you have a better chance of them finding your site, company or brand.

Another example is the Kleenex brand. Not only do most people call a tissue a Kleenex, it doesn't matter what brand it is. Other examples include Coke, Vaseline, Jacuzzi and Xerox. All of these are brand names that have become what we know as the item itself.

By creating a brand that people remember, you stay in their minds and that helps your business out by conveying your brand as something they won't forget.

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