Thursday, July 30, 2015

ISA Professional EVAO Organic Argan Oil

I love organic Argan Oil. I first discovered it a few years ago from my hair stylist and have been using it ever since.

I found ISA Proffesional EVAO Organic Argan Oil on Amazon and I really like it. It's
cold pressed so it has all of its vitamins and nutrients and there's nothing added to it or removed so what you get is exactly the extra virgin Argan Oil.

I had the opportunity to try this brand out in exchange for an unbiased review. I immediately opened it up and tried some. It has a pleasant smell and goes on really smooth. If you've used Argan Oil then you know it has a very oily texture that is thick and makes your skin and hair nourished.

I've used it a few times now and I'm very pleased with it so I can totally recommend this to anyone looking for a good Argan Oil brand or someone who is new to this type of oil and simply wants a vitamin rich, nourishing oil.

PS It's a Fair Trade product and produced by a cooperative of Berber Moroccan women.

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