Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Where to Find the Earned Income Credit Table

We've never qualified for the Earned Income Credit since we don't have children and have always made more than the minimum requirements but we have a lot of friends that do. If you are wondering where to find the earned income credit table, you'll have to check out this article that really helps you learn more about it and how to qualify - or if you do.

For instance, here is the regular credit table but this does not actually give you all of the information you need since there are specifics that you need. For that, check out the link - but this is a general guideline.

You definitely want everything that is coming to you so check out the link and see if you qualify for the EIC (Earned Income Credit) and recoup some of the money you've spent over the year.

No eligible children $14,590 ($20,020 if married and submitting together)
1 eligible child $38,511 ($43,941 if married and submitting together)
2 or more eligible children $43,756 ($49,186 if married and submitting together)
3 or more eligible children $46,997 ($52,427 if married and submitting together) 

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